Looking for a way to keep your kid active over the summer? Starting Monday, June 10th, we will be offering a KIDS KETTLEBELL CLASS every Monday & Wednesday at 11:30am. This 1 hour long class will go through their summer vacation all the way through Wednesday, August 14th! The class is for children ages 9-15.
Mike Shuck, one of our certified Kettlebell instuctors will be teaching this class. He is also a 5th grade teacher in the Keystone Oaks School District. Mike loves to help promote and infuse kettlebell exercises in the lives of children of all ages – he is very excited about teaching this class!
The concept of this class is to teach the children the proper way of doing body weight exercises. Mike will start from going over proper foot alignment and body weight squats, proper hand and hip placement on the planks, what to focus on when doing the rope exercises, assisted pull-ups with the bands, and how to properly breathe when your child is starting to get tired or fatigued. Also, the kids will get to run & jump around the gym & JUST HAVE FUN which is obviously the most important thing! The kids are going to have a blast & not even realize how much stronger they will be getting each time they attend this class.
The cost for this will be either $10.00 per class or $50.00/month for 2 classes per week! You will be able to purchase this online as you do with your own Kettlebell Class Membership. You MUST also schedule your child in advance, just as you schedule yourself in advance by going online to https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/ASP/home.asp?studioid=24127.
If we get a great response, we will add more classes per week! And remember parents, there is a Starbucks right down the road 🙂 !!
By pghkettlebell
ATTENTION ALL LADIES – Pittsburgh Kettlebell and Performance is participating in the 2013 DIRTY GIRL 5K MUD RUN on Saturday, June 8, at Fayette County Fairgrounds! The cost is $85.00. Be sure and register ASAP! This is going to be a great event. Once you register, be sure to register under our team – “Chris T & the Kettlebitches”.
To register, click here
This is going to be a great time – if you don’t want to join our team, please come & cheer us along!!
By pghkettlebell
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CONGRATULATIONS Kindle & David! Wishing you the happily ever after you both deserve!

By meesha
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