Kettlebell Bolt Lifting Competion October 20th

October 8, 2012

On Saturday, October 20, 2012, at 9:00am, we will be hosting a KETTLEBELL BOLT LIFTING COMPETITION for the LOW PRICE of $25.00!! 

What is this Kettlebell Competition???
Basically a BOLT meet consists of the following: 

  • You choose which event you participate & you can compete in one or up to four events.
  • 10 Minute Sets
  • Highest Volume Wins
  • You compete against other lifters of the same gender, and in the same bodyweight category & age division.;
  • Multiple hand changes are allowed & kettlebell is allowed to be placed on the floor to rest. 

The events available are:

  • Double Half Snatch
  • Double Jerk
  • Snatch
  • Single Clean & Jerk (aka long cycle). 

If you are interested in signing up or maybe you know someone interested in signing up, please click here to register. We suggest you getting to the gym at 8:45am because weigh-in’s will begin at precisely 9:00am on October 20th!!  We are very excited about this event & hope you are as well!! We look forward to hearing from you!